**Nagasa/Habaki (Total draw length): Approx. 69cm **not critical; error towards shorter would be better
**Tsuka: Approx. 30cm **not critical; error towards longer would be preferred
Saya: Approx. 74cm
Second Saya: Approx 100 cm
Blade thickness: 7 mm
Overall Length: Approx. 104-105cm (with Saya 1) / 130~135 cm (with Saya 2)
Blade Polish: Hand Polish (Note: there could be an optical illusion that makes the blade appear to have a secondary bevel with hand polish)
Blade Edge: All Purpose Edge (or Hard Target Optimized, if All Purpose is unavailable)
Habaki: Copper not Brass
Base price: $1030
Extra Saya: $220
Copper habaki: $50
Hand polish: $200
Type: Custom sword